11 Bad Habits Keeping You from Glowing Up and How to Fix Them

Feeling like your glow-up is stuck on pause? You’re not alone. Grab a cup of coffee, kick back, and let's dive into the 12 habits keeping you from shining like the star you are. 

  • Wondering why your glow-up isn’t happening as quickly as you’d like? This article breaks down the 11 bad habits that might be holding you back and offers actionable solutions to fix them. From negative self-talk to poor hydration, these small but impactful habits can stunt your progress. Here’s a quick look at the bad habits that could be keeping you from glowing up.

    Your ultimative Glow-Up Checklist

    • Negative self-talk: Replace it with positive affirmations.

    • Poor hydration: Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.

    • Inconsistent skincare: Develop a routine that includes cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and sunscreen.

    • Social media comparison: Focus on your journey and unfollow negative influences.

    • Perfectionism: Aim for progress, not perfection.

    • Junk food: Swap processed snacks for healthier alternatives.

    • Hair care neglect: Trim regularly and use deep conditioning treatments.

    • Poor hygiene: Maintain a consistent hygiene routine for confidence and health.

    • Unrealistic goal setting: Break big goals into smaller, achievable tasks.

    • Sleep deprivation: Prioritize 7-9 hours of rest.

    • Self-doubt: Build confidence through small wins and supportive environments.

    By addressing these habits, you'll be on the fast track to glowing up and becoming your best self.

What Exactly Is a Glow Up?

A "glow up" is more than just a physical transformation. It’s a holistic upgrade—an elevation of your confidence, health, and happiness.

From mastering your skincare routine to embracing a positive mindset, glowing up is about becoming the best version of yourself. Whether you're perfecting your beauty routine or nurturing your mental wellness, the glow-up journey makes you radiate positivity from the inside out.

1. Negative Self-Talk: The Ultimate Buzzkill

You wouldn’t let a friend call themselves stupid, right? So why do it to yourself? Negative self-talk is like putting your self-esteem in a chokehold. When you catch yourself thinking "I can’t," flip it to "I’ll try." And you will see, it will make a difference in your confidence and overall appearance.

Daily affirmations can feel cheesy, but they work.

Try standing in front of the mirror and telling yourself three things you love about yourself. 

My recommendation is trying this sef-love journal to track your progress:

Tip: Set a reminder on your phone to compliment yourself three times a day. Self-love doesn’t come overnight, but it’s worth every bit of effort.

2. Hydration? What’s That?

If your hydration game is weak, your skin and energy levels will tell on you. Aim for eight glasses of water a day. Yes, it sounds like a lot, but your body will thank you. Get a cute, reusable water bottle and make it your new accessory. Set goals, like drinking a full bottle before lunch.

Pro Tip: Add slices of fruit or cucumber to your water for a spa-like feel. You’ll be hydrating like royalty in no time.

Stay motivated and hit your hydration goals with this stylish water bottle, featuring a convenient fruit infuser.

3. Skincare

Let’s be real—washing your face with just water is not a skincare routine; it’s more like sending out an SOS signal. The first step to glowing skin is knowing your skin type and finding products that actually work for you. Trust me, your future self—and your mirror—will be grateful.

But before you go overboard, remember: a good skincare routine doesn’t need to be a 25-step saga that costs a small fortune. I have combination skin, and my routine is super simple and affordable:

My skincare Morning-Routine:

Step 1: Wash with lukewarm water (if I feel like it).

Step 2: Sunscreen with SPF 50—non-negotiable!

My skincare Night-Routine:

First: Oil cleanser to remove makeup.

Second: Gentle cleanser (no alcohol, please) for a double cleanse.

Third: Night cream—sometimes it’s a light serum, other times it’s a richer cream, depending on how my skin feels.

Fourth: Retinol oil a couple of nights a week for that extra glow.

And that’s it!

All my products together cost around $50 and last for months. I’m not buying the cheapest stuff, but I’m definitely not splurging on luxury brands either—I’m all about that cost-benefit balance.

Just a heads up: everyone’s skin is different, so take my routine as inspiration, not gospel. Find what works best for you! And whatever you do, don’t buy products just because TikTok says so, don’t blow your budget, and avoid anything with alcohol or heavy fragrances. Your skin deserves better than that!

4. Social Media Comparison Trap

Instagram or Tik Tok are a highlight reel, not real life. It’s easy to get sucked into comparing your behind-the-scenes to someone else’s highlight reel. Focus on your journey and remember that everyone has their struggles, even if they don’t post about them.

If you feel, like you just cannot stop I can recommend you trying my 48-hours dopamine detox, to get rid of this crazy Social Media addiction:


5. Perfectionism Paralysis

Perfectionism can be a real buzzkill. Striving for perfection can keep you from starting or finishing anything. Instead, aim for "good enough." Progress over perfection, always. Ever heard of the pareto priciple? You can achieve

You can achieve 80% of your results with 20% of your effort. And With 80% of your effort, you can get to perfection.

Is it worth it? Maybe sometimes. But be sure to choose your battles wisely. Otherwise you will burn out pretty fast.

Another great tip:

Set small, achievable goals. Instead of aiming to run a marathon, start with a daily 10-minute walk. Celebrate your progress and be kind to yourself. Because showing up daily counts more than give one a month 100%.

This reminds me of a quote I heard couple of years ago:

"I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times."

Bruce Lee

6. Junk Food Frenzy

Treating your body like a fast-food dumpster is not the way to glow up. Think of your body as a luxury car; you wouldn’t fill a Lamborghini with cheap fuel, right?

Swap the chips and candy for whole foods that actually nourish you. Stock up on nuts, fruits, and colorful veggies to keep your glow game strong. Meal prepping isn't just for gym buffs—it’s your secret weapon against impulsive junk food runs.

Here are some examples for healthy food swaps:


Tip: Put healthy snacks front and center in your kitchen. You’re way more likely to grab an apple when it’s right in front of you, rather than digging through a drawer for chips.

7. Hair Care Neglect

Girl, if your hair care routine is more “once in a blue moon” than a scheduled ritual, it’s time for a revamp. Your hair deserves more than a random brush and an occasional wash. Regular trims, deep conditioning treatments, and minimizing heat styling can turn your tresses from blah to bombshell.

Tip: Treat your hair appointments like dates with your bestie—set a reminder, show up, and give your hair the TLC it craves.

8. Hygiene Slips

This should not be mentioned, but just to be clear: Skipping showers and skimping on oral care? Major glow-up blockers. Good hygiene is the foundation of confidence and self-respect. Brush, floss, shower—these basics aren’t just for your health, they’re essential to feeling fresh and fabulous.

Tip: Create a morning and evening routine that includes your hygiene steps. Think of it as your daily self-care ritual—because consistency isn’t just cute, it’s crucial.

9. Unrealistic Goal Setting

Setting massive, unrealistic goals is like trying to run a marathon with zero training—you’re setting yourself up to crash and burn. Break those big dreams into bite-sized, manageable tasks and celebrate each mini-milestone. The smaller the step, the bigger the impact on your journey.


Craving that “I’m so cultured” vibe but can’t remember the last time you touched a book? Don’t set yourself up for a Nobel Prize in literature just yet. How about just 10 pages a day? It's all about keeping it bite-sized—because small wins still count, right?

Or try the two-minute rule: just two minutes of reading, meditating, or whatever ambitious goal you’ve got in mind. If you feel like going beyond that, great! If not, congrats—you still did something, and that’s more than the dust gathering on your bookshelf can say.

10. Sleep Deprivation

Pulling all-nighters might have felt cool in college, but in the real world, it’s a fast track to burnout. Aim for 7-9 hours of beauty sleep, and make winding down a nightly ritual. Your body and brain need that time to recharge and keep you glowing.

Tip: Craft your own bedtime routine—dim the lights, banish the screens at least 2 hours before bedtime, maybe indulge in a little nighttime reading. Consistency will have you waking up refreshed and ready to take on the world.

11. Self-Doubt

Doubting yourself is like putting a permanent dimmer switch on your glow. Confidence comes from action, not perfection. Start small, set realistic goals, and celebrate your wins—no matter how tiny. Surround yourself with people who uplift you, not those who drag you down.


Keep a “brag book” or journal where you jot down your achievements, big or small. When self-doubt sneaks in, flip through those pages and remind yourself: you’ve got this, girl.

Here’s my little work-time secret: I keep a Google Sheet filled with screenshots of all the kudos I’ve received for my accomplishments. Whenever self-doubt sneaks in, I scroll through that sheet and instantly feel a bit more appreciated. It’s a great reminder that I’ve already nailed some pretty awesome things before—and I can do it again!

Wrapping Up

Glowing up is a journey, not a sprint. Break those bad habits, replace them with good ones, and watch yourself transform. You’ve got this, glow-getter! Remember, every step you take is a step toward the best version of you. Cheers to glowing up and shining bright! 🌟


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